

















* 体积小巧,可放在实验桌面上,方便集成;

* 热壁式加热,加热更均匀;

* 加热式前驱体支管,前驱体瓶 ,防止支管内沉积;

* 双路支管,氧化/ 还原与有机金属前驱体分开输运;

* 多8 路前驱体通道, 适合复杂/ 掺杂薄膜的沉积;

* 多层衬底托盘, 多同时沉积9 片基体;

* 可容纳多片4,6,8 英寸样品同时沉积;

* 可容纳1.25 英寸/32mm 厚度的基体;

* 标准CF-40 接口 。

加热型:GEMStar XT-S/D

▪ 8 英寸/200 mm 基片沉积(4' 和6' 可选);

▪ 单/ 双路前驱体输运支管, 4/8 路前驱体瓶接口;

▪ 不可升级为等离子体增强ALD。

▪ GEMStar XT-D具有独特的双流形设计,是沉积 MLD 和 ALD 薄膜的理想工具

可升级加热型:GEMStar XT-DR

▪ 8 英寸(200mm) 基片沉积(4' 和6' 可选);

▪ 单/ 双路前驱体输运支管, 4/8 路前驱体瓶;

▪ CF-40 接口;

▪ 可升级为等离子体增强ALD

GEMStar XT-S/DP 等离子体增强型

▪ 8 英寸/200 mm 基片沉积(4' 和6' 可选);

▪ 双路前驱体输运支管, 8 路前驱体瓶和CF-40 接口;

▪ 装备高性能ICP 等离子发生器。13.56 MHz 的等离子源非常紧凑,只需风冷, 高运行功率达300W;

▪ 标配3组气流质量控制计( MFC )控制的等离子气源线,和一条MFC 控制的运载气体线,使难以沉积的氧化物、氮化物、金属也可以实现均匀沉积。


▪ GEMStar XT-DP 升级加强型;

▪ 高性能ICP 等离子发生器,4 路MFC 气体管路;

▪ 增强型脉冲蒸汽推送端口。



多样品夹具,样品尺寸(8", 6", 4")向下兼容;多基片夹具,多同时容纳9片基片。









 真空进样器(Load Lock) 









■  催化领域:ALD精准合成负载型催化剂

近年来,研究者对各种氧化物和碳基材料基底上的金属ALD催化剂进行了广泛研究。由于高温下ALD生长的金属原子在氧化物和碳基基底上的高迁移率,沉积物通常以金属纳米粒子形式存在,而不是二维金属薄膜。如图2a所示,金属纳米颗粒的尺寸大小和负载量可以通过调整ALD循环次数和沉积温度变化来进行精确调控,且金属颗粒的尺寸分布通常非常狭窄。近期,中国科学技术大学的路军岭课题组使用ALD技术发展了一种双金属纳米粒子的合成新策略,即使用较低的沉积温度和合适的反应物,在负载的单金属纳米粒子表面增加第二金属组分,获得原子级可控的双金属纳米粒子(如图2b, PtPd双金属纳米粒子)。研究发现,在较低的温度下,金属基底会促进金属前驱体在其上的成核和ALD生长,而金属氧化物通常是惰性的,因此不能在低温下与金属前驱体反应和开始成核。

图2. ALD合成(a)单金属Pt纳米粒子,(b) 双金属PtPd纳米粒子,(c)Pt 单原子催化剂在N掺杂的石墨烯上,(d)Pd单原子催化剂在g-C3N4上,(e)二聚的Pt2/石墨烯催化剂。


■  原子层/分子层沉积技术助力新一代高性能储能器件研究

加拿大西安大略大学孙学良教授团队长期从事高性能能源存储器件的研究和应用,包括锂离子电池,钠离子电池,锂金属电池,固态电解液电池, 燃料电池等,充分利用ALD/MLD技术的独特优势,从ALD/MLD技术在液态锂离子电池中的应用出发,探讨改善液态锂离子电池表界面问题和挑战,并延伸到全固态电池的研究上,全面阐述了ALD/MLD在解决固态电池体系不同界面问题中所扮演的重要角色、尚存的技术挑战、可能的解决方案以及未来的发展方向。以下我们分别从ALD/MLD技术在液态电解质电池和全固态电池研究上,来详细阐述GEMStar系列台式原子层沉积系统在精确控制电池电极界面及材料结构方面的独特优势。

■  液态电解质电池        


1. 锂离子电池正极材料

 传统液态锂电池正极材料尖晶石型LiNi0.5Mn1.5O4 (LNMO),在电池循环过程中其表面和近表面会发生许多副反应以及不可逆的相变,的影响电池的循环容量和稳定性。为了解决这一问题,孙学良院士课题组使用美国Arradiance公司生产的台式ALD沉积系统(型号:GEMStar-8,设计了新型多位点Ti掺杂的锂离子电池正极材料,将无定形TiO2包覆在尖晶石型LNMO表面并热处理,实现了Ti元素在尖晶石结构表面和内部的多位点掺杂(图1A),其中表面的Ti部分进入尖晶石结构四面体配位的位点,其余的Ti替代八面体配位的过渡金属,这种多位点掺杂效应对材料的电化学性能起到了决定性的作用,相比于原始的LNMO,掺杂后的材料表现出了更低的表面阻抗,这是由于四面体配位的Ti能够减缓过渡金属迁移到八面体空位上,保证了锂离子的快速传导。相关工作发表在2017年的Advanced Materials上 (DOl: 10.1002/adma.201703764)。

2. 碱金属(锂/钠)负极材料保护膜

具有高理论比容量的锂金属负极是研发下一代高能量密度的选择。但锂金属负极其自身极强的反应活性引发了一系列问题,如锂枝晶的生长,与液态电解液的副反应,死锂层的形成以及在充放电过程中Li金属膨胀-收缩导致的结构破坏,都会地降低金属锂负极的实用性。孙教授团队从SEI (固体电解质界面层)的形成机理出发,提出形成稳定的SEI层可以抑制锂枝晶的生长,进而提高电池的循环稳定性。2019年孙教授团队报道了一种新型人工合成的类天然SEI的人工SEI保护膜(图1B),大大提高了电池的循环稳定性和容量保持率。这种双层(靠近锂金属的内层为致密含锂无机层,靠近电解液的外层为疏松含锂有机层)的人工SEI结构可以通过ALD/MLD实现。首先通过ALD/MLD技术沉积无机层(Al2O3), 再在无机层表面沉积有机层(alucone, 一种烷基氧铝),双层结构的成分和厚度可以通过ALD/MLD过程精确控制,并通过表征无机、有机膜次序和厚度对薄膜机械性能的影响,对体系进行优化,在对称电池和锂空气电池种展现除了优异的循环性能(Matter, 2019, DOI: 10.1016/j.matt.2019.06.020)。该工作为未来深入研究SEI组成提供了重要的参考和指导,有望作为稳定的下一代锂金属电池负极材料。相似的新型铝基有机无机复合薄膜(alucone)以及分子层沉积Zircone分别作为金属钠负极保护层和锂金属界面膜的工作发表在2017年的Nano letters(DOI: 10.1021/acs.nanolett.7b02464)和2019年的Angew. Chem. Int. Ed.上( DOI:10.1002/anie.201907759)。

图1. (A) 基于ALD技术的多位点Ti掺杂LNMO正极材料,(B) ALD/MLD制备人工合成的双层锂金属负极保护膜

■  全固态电解质电池

全固态电池由于其具有高能量密度和高安全性能,被认为是具有潜力的下一代电池体系。然而,全固态电池仍有许多挑战亟待解决。其中界面问题(包括界面不匹配、界面副反应和界面空间电荷效应)是影响全固态电池性能的主要因素之一。有效地解决界面问题是攻克全固态电池难关的重中之重。界面修饰及改性是被广泛报道改善界面问题的重要途径。其中,制备界面层材料的技术及界面层材料的性质将是界面层稳定性的决定因素。ALD/MLD技术有望在固态电池界面修饰及改性上扮演重要的角色,包括界面改性材料的制备(图2A),固态电解质的制备(图2B),ALD界面材料用于阻隔电极与固态电解质副反应(图2C),改善固态电解质与金属锂的润湿性(图2D),保护金属负极(图2E)以及薄膜/三维固态电池的制备(图2F)等。ALD/MLD有望解决全固态电池的界面问题,满足人们对于高安全性以及高能量密度电池的需求,成为下一代电池的有力竞争者。孙教授团队对近几年ALD/MLD技术在固态电池中的应用作以归纳、总结与分析,并对ALD/MLD在固态电池中的应用作以展望相关工作发表在2018年的Joule上(DOI: 10.1016/j.joule.2018.11.012)。

图2. ALD/MLD技术在固态电池中的应用. (A)不同的界面改性材料; (B) ALD技术制备LiPON固态电解质; (C) ALD界面层阻隔电极与固态电解质副反应; (D) ALD薄膜改善固态电解质与金属锂的润湿性; (E) 固态电池体系中,ALD/MLD在保护金属负极中的应用; (E) ALD/MLD技术制备三维固态薄膜电池.

■  催化领域:分子层沉积技术助力铂基催化剂性能提升

加拿大西安大略大学的孙学良教授课题组,开创性地利用退火MLD(Molecular Layer Deposition,MLD,分子层沉积)夹层结构来固定铂纳米颗粒,从而实现了铂基催化剂性能的提升,相关结果刊载于Nano Energy(。在孙教授团队的工作中,MLD衍生层是通过三甲基铝和丙三醇合成在掺氮碳纳米管(nitrogen-doped carbon nanotubes,NCNT)上的,此后通过煅烧获得多孔结构。后,通过ALD工艺,铂纳米颗粒被沉积在MLD-NCNT载体之上。多孔结构有益于稳固铂纳米颗粒、避免团聚以及从载体上脱离。相较于沉积在掺氮碳纳米管(NCNT)上的铂催化剂来说,沉积在MLD-NCNT载体上的Pt催化剂展示出了显著提升的氧化还原反应活性以及耐用性。文中利用X射线吸收光谱等手段,详细揭示了增强的机制。 

图1 NCNT-MLD-Pt的制备流程示意图以及出色特性(图片来源:Nano Energy:Rational design of porous structures via molecular layer deposition as an effective stabilizer for enhancing Pt ORR performance)

更多应用案例,请您致电010-85120277/78/79/80 或 写信 获取。

■  高长径比结构沉积

* 11.1µm hole depth 

* Pt film coats entire pore 

* AR at center = 34 

* AR at bottom = 46 

* GR = 0.6Å/cycle

■  Conformal ALD Coatings on Nano Size Particles

■  其他数据展示









▪ On the Role of Heterojunctions of Core-shell Heterostructures in Gas Sensing, Humboldt, Raza Post-deposition annealing and interfacial atomic layer deposition buffer layers of Sb2Se3/CdS stacks for reduced interface recombination and increased open-circuit voltages, Luxumbourg-Nuremburg, Weiss. 
▪ Long-life silicon anodes by conformal molecular-deposited polyurea interface for lithium ion batteries, UWO, Mu Practically applicable water oxidation electrodes from 3D-printed Ti6Al4V scaffolds with surface nanostructuration and iridium catalyst coating, Erlangen-Nuremburg, Hofer. 
▪ Encapsulation and Outdoor Testing of Perovskite Solar Cells Comparing Industrially Relevant Process with a Simplified Lab Procedure,Helmholtz Berlin, Khenkin. 
▪ Post-deposition annealing and interfacial ALD buffer layers of Sb2Se3/CdS stacks for reduced interface recombination and increased open-circuit voltages,Luxembourg Erlangen, Bachmann Orientation of BINOL Grafted onto TiO2, Northwestern University, Stair
▪ Nano-optical designs enhance monolithic perovskite Si tandem solar cells, Potsdam Berlin, Becker Improved charge balance in green perovskite LEDs with ALD Al2O3, Princeton University, Rand
▪ Monolayer support control demonstrates metal-support interactions in heterogeneous catalysts, Stanford University, Goodman Atomic layer deposition coated polymer films with enhanced high-temperature dielectric strength suitable for film capacitors, Technion Israel Institute of Technology, Tan
▪ Atomic layer deposited aluminum oxynitride coating for high-performance Si anode in lithium-ion batteries, UBC, Zhu High-Performance Potassium-Tellurium Batteries Stabilized by Interface Engineering, UBC, Liu
▪ Electrocatalytic surface nanoionics with strained interfaced and colossal conductivity for enhancing durability and performance of solid oxide fuel cell, Journal of Power Sources, WVU, Song
▪ Spray-Drying and Atomic Layer Deposition: Complementary Tools toward Fully Orthogonal Control of Bulk Composition and Surface Identity of Multifunctional Supraparticles, Erlangen-Nuremburg, Müssig


▪ Erlangen-Nuremburg, A Self-Ordered Nanostructured Transparent Electrode of High Structural Quality ...,

Döhler et al,Small.

▪ Humboldt, On the plasmon-assisted detection of a 1585 cm−1 mode in the 532 nm Raman spectra ..., Santangelo

et al, Applied Physics Letters.

▪ Technion, Fast and Deterministic Fabrication of Sub‑5Nanometer Solid-State ..., Zvuloni et al, ACS Nano.

▪ Universidad SEK, ZnO nucleation into tritianate nanotubes by ALD equipment techniques ..., Moreno et al, Scientifc



▪ Boston University, Plasma Enhanced ALD of Plasmonic TiN Ultrathin Films, Yang et al, Materials.

▪ Stanford, Synthesis of a Hybrid Nanostructure of ZnO Decorated MoS2 by ALD, Bent et al, ACS Nano.

▪ UBC, Highly Stable Zn Metal Anode Enabled by ALD Al2O3 for Aqueous Zinc-ion Batteries, Liu et al, Journal of

Materials Chemistry A.

▪ MST, XPS characterization of Al2O3 ZnO ultrathin films grown by atomic layer deposition, Ferguson et al, Surf.

Sci. Spectra.

▪ USTC, Uncovering near-free platinum single-atom dynamics during electrochemical hydrogen evolution reaction,

Yao et al, Nature Communications.


▪ USTC, Quasi Pd1 Ni single atom surface alloy catalyst enables hydrogenation of nitriles to secondary amines, Wang et al,Nature Communications.

▪ USTC, Atomically dispersed platinum supported on curved carbon supports for efficient electrocatalytic hydrogen,

Song et al, Nature Energy.

▪ USTC, Highly Active and Stable Metal Single-Atom Catalysts Achieved by Strong Electronic Metal-Support Interactions, Lu et al, J. Am. Chem. Soc.

▪ UofSC, Space-Efficient SnO2 for BiVO4 Architectures for Photoassisted Water Splitting, Stefik et al, ChemSus-


▪ MIT, Soft nanocomposite electroadhesives for digital micro-nanotransfer printing, Hart et al, Sci. Adv. 

▪ Helmholtz-Zentrum Berlin, Highly Efficient Monolithic perovskite Silicon Tandem Solar Cells, Albrecht et al,

Sustainable Energy Fuels.

▪ TSU, Low temperature atomic layer deposition of zirconium oxide for inkjet printed transistor applications,

Chen et al, RSC Adv.

▪ USTC, Atomically dispersed iron hydroxide anchored on Pt for preferential oxidation of CO in H2, Lu et al,



“The Texas State University Nanofabrication Research Service Center is extremely pleased with the versatility of our GEMStar XT-DP PEALD System. It contains an extremely generous number of metalorganic (4) and oxidizer ports (4) as well as a pulsed vapor push port, and precursor heaters (2) that are all included in the base package. The equipment is compact, economical, easily installed, well documented, and utilizes an intuitive user interface. Arradiance technical staff have rapidly responded to my requests for recipes and new chemistry support. To date we have trained more than 25 users in our shared cleanroom facility who have successfully deposited TiO2, Al2O3, ZnO, Al:ZnO, ZrO2, and/or SnO2 for their various research and course projects.”

                                                                                                       —— Dr. Casey Smith, Texas State University

The Arradiance GEMStar-XT reactor in my laboratory is consistently producing high quality hole-blocking layer TiO2 film in my perovskite solar cell research. The ALD-based TiO2 layer through GEMStar-XT enables a high power conversion efficiency of 20% repeatedly and I am very pleased with the performance of GEMStar ALD tool.”

                                                                                                —— Prof. Satoshi Uchida, The University of Tokyo

“Purdue University was one of the earliest adopters of the Arradiance® GEMStar XT-P Plasma PEALD system, which we received in June 2015. Our o verall experience with the GEMStar X T-P Plasma system, service and support from Arradiance® has been excellent. We primarily use the system to this point for oxides and metal depositions. The Purdue team was even successful depositing a very challenging Plasma Al film. We would highly recommend that you contact Arradiance® for your ALD or PEALD system and coating needs”

                                                                                                            —— Prof. Chen Yang, Purdue University

“The GEMStar-8 ALD system is critical to our nanomaterials for clean energy research. In particular, the particle holder has been working perfectly for ALD coatings on nanostructured materials for Li batteries and fuel cells …… even better than expected.”

                                                                                             ——Prof. Andy Sun PhD, University of Western Ontario

“We study the properties of biomolecules using various nanoscale systems. This requires the fabrication of uniform ultrathin freestanding membranes, some of which are deposited using our GEMStar ALD system. This system is small, easy to use, low-maintenance, and has been a workhorse for us – it just runs!”

                                                                         —— The Wanunu Lab, Nanoscale Biophysics, Northeastern University

“Much of our research is based around arrays of vertical nanostructures. The GEMStar ALD system allows us to deposit very uniform metallic and oxide thin films over these structures”

                                                                        —— Steve Shepard, Nanofabrication Facility Manager, Boston College
