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(生效日期:2025年 1 月 21 日)



1.  我们如何收集您的个人信息

2.  我们收集的个人信息类型

3.  处理您的个人信息的依据及我们如何使用

4.  我们如何委托处理、分享、转让和公开披露您的个人信息

5.  我们如何保护您的个人信息

6.  您的权利

7.  您的个人信息保留期限

8.  我们如何处理儿童的个人信息

9.  您的个人信息如何传输至境外

10. 我们如何更新本隐私政策

11. 联系我们



1.  我们如何收集您的个人信息


•  您使用我们的网站或社交媒体时在线获取的您的个人信息;

•  当您在成为我们的客户或服务提供商之前与我们互动时,例如当您表达对我们服务的兴趣或向我们提供您的服务时;

•  当您关注、申请我们在官网及其他渠道发布的岗位信息时,我们可能会收集您的姓名、电话号码、邮箱地址、身份证件信息、简历以及其他相关证明材料等;

•  在履行与我们签订的合同的过程中;

•  当您与我们沟通(例如:通过电话、电子邮件),例如为了咨询或提出关注事项;

•  当您在参加活动中提供个人信息;

•  当您注册接收营销通讯时;

•  当您订阅我们的服务或出版物时。




2.  我们收集的个人信息类型


•  您的姓名和联系信息,例如地址、电子邮件地址、电话号码、微信等社交媒体账号;

•  您的日志信息,指您使用我们的服务时,系统可能通过cookies、标识符及相关技术收集的信息,包括您的设备信息、浏览信息、点击信息等,并将该等信息储存为日志信息,为您提供个性化的用户体验、保障服务安全。您可以通过浏览器设置拒绝或管理cookie、标识符或相关技术的使用;

•  关于您的工作职责的信息,例如您的职位、头衔和职能;

•  结算和财务信息(包括银行路由号、银行账号和税号 - 用于收款或付款);

•  您的教育认证、职业资格、以往工作和雇主信息

•  与我们的合同关系相关的信息。


3.  处理您的个人信息的依据及我们如何使用


•  履行与您签订的合同所必需,或者应您要求在签订合同之前采取措施;

•  联系客户或供应商,进行商谈或会议;

•  提供我们的产品和服务,包括产品售后服务;

•  递送会议指南或新产品指南;

•  根据依法制定的劳动规则和合法签订的集体合同进行人力资源管理所必需;

•  我们获得了您自愿给予的、具体和明确的同意;

•  为了遵守我们的法律义务;

•  应对突发公共卫生事件所必要,或在紧急情况下保护自然人的生命和健康或其财产安全;

•  在合理范围内进行新闻报道、舆论监督或其他公共利益活动;

•  正在处理的个人信息是您披露的或以其他方式已经合法披露的,且处理个人信息将根据《个人信息保护法》在合理范围内进行管理;

•  基于法律和行政法规规定的其他情况。


•  监测、审查和评估我们服务和业务的绩效和效果,包括衡量我们营销措施的成效和识别使用趋势;

•  寻求有关我们权利和义务的建议,例如我们自身需要法律建议;

•  分享我们的知识并推广我们及其他成员公司的服务(例如,向您提供简报和其他出版物、活动详情或您可能感兴趣的其他服务信息-通过信函、电话、电子邮件和其他电子手段)并对此类沟通进行个性化处理。如果您不希望收到此类信息,请立即或在将来任何时候通过以下联系方式通知我们,我们将从我们的邮寄名单中删除您的信息。如果您通过电子邮件收到此类信息,您可以使用每封电子邮件中包含的取消订阅链接来取消订阅进一步接收营销电子邮件;

•  建立、行使或维护法律主张权利所必需(例如,保护和捍卫我们的权利或财产以及/或我们的客户或第三方的权利、个人安全或财产);

•  行政管理之目的,包括管理财务系统和创建财务报表;

•  用于欺诈检测和预防;

•  进行审计;

•  处理投诉、反馈和征询;

•  满足我们的合规和监管义务,例如税务报告要求;

•  以协助警方和其他有关部门进行的调查(包括刑事调查)。


4.   我们如何委托处理、分享、转让和公开披露您的个人信息

(1)  委托处理



(2)  与他人分享信息


•  提供行政支持、支持我们的销售和营销工作、以及为我们的客户提供服务或与服务提供商互动相关的其他成员公司。

•   在有合理理由获取信息的情况下,我们的代理商和承包商,包括:

▪  为我们提供服务或由您直接雇佣的第三方顾问和专家;

▪  为您提供咨询的律师事务所和其他服务提供商;

▪  向我们提供外包服务的供应商(例如,IT供应商和云存储提供商);

▪  审计师。


•  在业务交易中与第三方分享,在我们全部或部分被出售、合并、解散、收购或涉及类似交易的情况下,这可能涉及客户文件的转移。

•  根据法律或传票的要求与第三方分享,或者我们合理相信与第三方分享为满足如下事项所必要的:(a)遵守法律和有关部门的合理要求;(b)执行我们的法律权利或保护我们服务的安全和/或完整性;以及/或(c)行使或保护我们的权利和财产或我们员工、访客或其他人的权利、财产和个人安全。

•  在您同意的范围内向任何其他第三方分享。

•  在法律、法规或政府机构的强制性要求下,向任何其他第三方分享。

(3)  转让


•  在您明确同意的情况下;或

•  当个人信息的转让是由于合并、分立、收购或破产清算等原因时,我们将通知您接收者的名称和联系信息,并且接收者将继续受到本隐私政策的约束,或者在处理目的或方法发生变化时,将另行获得您的同意。

(4)  公开披露


•  在您明确同意的情况下;或

•  如果法律、法规或政府机构的强制性要求。

5.   我们如何保护您的个人信息

•  我们已采取适当的安全保护措施,以保护您的个人信息,防止未经授权访问、披露、使用、修改、损坏或丢失您的个人信息。

•  我们将采取合理措施确保不会收集不必要的个人信息。我们将仅保留您的个人信息,直至完成本隐私政策中所述目的所需的期限,除非法律要求或允许延长保留。

•  我们将根据法律要求更新和公开安全风险报告和个人信息保护影响评估。

•  网络环境并非百分之百安全,我们将尽力确保您发送给我们的任何信息的安全性。在个人信息安全事件发生时,我们将遵守适用的法律法规,可能涉及通知您安全事件的基本情况和可能的影响,我们已经采取或将要采取的应对措施,关于自我防范和风险缓解的建议,我们为您采取的补救措施等。我们将及时将事件相关情况以邮件、信函、电话、推送通知等方式告知您,难以逐一告知个人信息主体时,我们会采取合理有效的方式发布公告。

•  同时,我们也将根据监管要求主动报告个人信息安全事件的处理情况。

6.  您的权利


•  获取我们持有您的个人信息的访问权限和副本;

•  如果我们持有的个人信息不正确或不完整,要求我们更正和完善;

•  在以下情况下,要求我们删除您的个人信息:

a)  如果我们处理您的个人信息违反适用的法律或法规;

b)  如果我们在未经您同意的情况下违反本隐私政策收集和使用您的个人信息;

c)  如果您的个人信息与收集或处理的目的不再相关。

•  更改您同意的范围;

•  要求我们限制我们的信息处理活动;

•  将您的个人信息从我们转移到另一组织(信息转移权);

•  如果存在与您特定情况相关的理由,您有权反对基于我们的合法利益进行的任何处理。您可以因任何原因反对营销活动。如果您希望反对接收营销电子邮件,您可以使用每封电子邮件中包含的退订链接取消订阅;就我们基于您的同意进行的信息处理活动,您可以撤回同意,但不影响在撤回同意之前我们基于该同意处理个人信息的合法性。如果您希望撤回,请使用下面提供的联系方式与我们联系。请注意,如果我们处理您的个人信息依赖于您的同意,而您撤回了该同意,我们可能无法向您提供全部或部分服务,或者可能对提供该等服务造成影响;

•  以您指定的合理格式获取我们持有的关于您的个人信息的副本,包括您将该等个人信息传输给另一个人信息处理者的目的;

•  反对与您特定情况相关的任何特定处理活动,如果您认为这对您的权利产生了不成比例的影响;

•  要求我们解释个人信息处理规则。



7.  您的信息保留期限



8.  我们如何处理儿童的个人信息





9.  您的个人信息如何传输到境外



•  在适用法律规定的国际转移的“适当保障”(例如,个人信息出境标准合同和中国互联网信息办公室采用的个人信息保护影响评估要求)。以及

•  根据适用法律允许转移的其他情况(例如,我们有您的明确同意,或者转移是为了执行符合您利益的合同所必需的)。


10.   隐私政策更新


11.   联系我们





Privacy Policy

Quantum Design (Beijing) Co., Ltd. Privacy Policy

(Effective January 21, 2025)

About this Privacy Policy

This privacy policy explains how Quantum Design (Beijing) Co., Ltd. (“we”, “our”, “us”) collects, uses, shares and otherwise processes your personal information, and your rights in relation to the personal information we hold. This privacy policy concerns our processing of personal information of past and present clients, service providers and anyone else who may contract, contact or otherwise interact with us (“you”, “your”). This privacy policy will help you better understand the following:

1.  How we collect your personal information

2.  The types of personal information we collect

3.  The basis for processing your personal information and how we use it

4.  How we entrust the processing, share, transfer, and publicly disclose your personal information

5.  How we protect your personal information

6.  Your rights

7.  How long your personal information is kept

8.  How we process children’s personal information

9.  How your personal information is transmitted worldwide

10.  How we update this privacy policy

11.  How to contact us

We fully understand the importance of personal information to you and will do our utmost to ensure its security and reliability. We are committed to maintaining your trust by adhering to the following principles to protect your personal information: the principle of accountability, the principle of explicit purpose, the principle of choice and consent, the principle of minimum necessity, the principle of ensuring security, the principle of subject participation, and the principle of transparency. Additionally, we will adopt appropriate security measures in accordance with industry-recognized security standards to safeguard your personal information.

By using or continuing to use our services, you indicate that you have read and understood this policy and provide your authorization accordingly. You agree to our collecting, use, and storage of your personal data in accordance with this privacy policy. In cases where separate consent is required by law or regulations, we will seek your explicit consent based on the actual situation.

1.  How we collect your personal information

We may collect your personal information in a number of ways. This includes information we receive directly from you, for example:

• we may collect your personal information online when you use our websites or social media platforms;

• when you interact with us before becoming a client or service provider, for example when you express your interest in our services or offer your services to us;

• we may collect your name, phone number, email address, identification information, resume, and other relevant supporting documents when you follow or apply for job postings on our official website or other channels;

• in connection with the performance of a contract we have concluded with you;

• when you communicate with us (e.g., by telephone, email), for example in order to make enquiries or raise concerns;

• when you provide personal information in the context of events;

• when you sign up to receive marketing communications;

• When you subscribe to our services or publications.

We may also receive personal information from third parties, for example in order to carry out required due diligence checks on you or your organization.

Please note that where you do not provide personal information to us, we may not be able to provide all or some aspects of our services to you and/or it may affect the provision of those services.

If you communicate with us via email, we may also collect personal information automatically as explained below.

2. The types of personal information we collect

We may collect the following types of personal information about you (and anyone at your organization on whom we need to carry out due diligence checks, for example):

• your name and contact information such as address, email address, telephone number, and social media accounts such as WeChat;

• your log information, which refers to the information that may be collected by our system through cookies, identifiers, and related technologies when you use our services. This includes your device information, browsing information, click information, etc., which is stored as log data to provide you with personalized user experience and ensure service security. You can refuse or manage the use of cookies, identifiers, or related technologies through your browser settings;

• information on your job role, such as your position, title and function;

• billing and financial information (including bank routing number, bank account numbers and tax ID – used for receipt or payment of funds);

• your education certification, occupational qualification, and work experience and former employers;

• information relating to our contractual relationship.

When communicating with us via email, we may also automatically collect personal information such as information on whether or not you open the email or use a link contained in the email, and how you otherwise interact with the message we sent. When collecting information automatically, we typically cooperate with third party providers and use web beacons in our emails. These are small graphics that are often transparent and therefore cannot be seen. They help us understand how you interact with our email. You may set your email options to prevent the automatic downloading of images that may contain technologies that allow us to learn whether you have accessed our email and performed certain functions with it. If you access our website via a link contained within a marketing email received from us, additional information may be collected by us or our third-party partners, such as your IP address.

3. The basis for processing your personal information and how we use it

We may process your personal information because:

• it is necessary for the performance of a contract with you or in order to take steps at your request prior to entering into a contract;

• it is necessary for contacting clients or supplier for negotiating or meetings;

• it is necessary to provide our products or services, including after-sales services;

• it is necessary for delivering conference guide or new product brochures;

• it is necessary to carry out human resources management according to lawfully formulated labor rules and lawfully concluded collective contracts;

• we have your freely given, specific and explicit consent;

• it is necessary to comply with our legal obligations;

• it is necessary to respond to sudden public health incidents, or protect natural persons’ lives and health or the security of their property under emergency conditions;

• the processing is within a reasonable scope to conduct news reporting, public opinion-based supervision, or other activities in the public interest;

• the personal information being handled was disclosed by you or otherwise already lawfully disclosed and the processing will be managed within a reasonable scope in accordance with PIPL;

• the processing is based on other circumstances stipulated by laws and administrative regulations.

In this respect, we may use your personal information for the following:

• to monitor, review and evaluate the performance and effectiveness of our services and our business, including to measure the success of our marketing measures and identify usage trends;

• to seek advice on our rights and obligations, such as where we require our own legal advice;

• sharing our knowledge and promoting our services and those of other our group member companies (for example, providing you with briefings and other publications, details of events, or information about our other services which may be of interest to you - by letter, telephone, email and other electronic means) and to personalize any such communication. If you do not wish to receive such information, please let us know now or at any time in the future by contacting us as set forth below, and your details will be removed from our mailing list(s). If you receive such information via email you may use the unsubscribe link contained in each such email to unsubscribe from receiving further marketing emails;

• it is necessary for the establishment, exercise or defense of legal claims (for example, to protect and defend our rights or property, and/or the rights, personal safety or property of our clients, or of third parties);

• administrative purposes, including administering finance systems and creating financial statements;

• for fraud detection and prevention;

• carrying out audits;

• addressing complaints, feedback and enquiries;

• to meet our compliance and regulatory obligations, such as tax reporting requirements;

• in order to assist with investigations (including criminal investigations) carried out by the police and other competent authorities.

We may process your personal information to the extent you consent.

4. How we entrust the processing, share, transfer and publicly disclose your personal information

(1) Entrustment of processing

We may engage third parties to assist us in processing your personal information.

We will sign confidentiality agreements with the companies, organizations and individuals to whom we entrust the processing of personal information, which will bind them to processing the personal information in accordance with our confidentiality and security requirements.

(2) Sharing information with others

For the purposes referred to in this privacy policy and relying on the bases for processing as set out above, we may share your personal information with certain third parties. We may disclose personal information to a variety of recipients including:

• our other group member companies in connection with their provision of administrative support, to support our sales and marketing efforts, and when servicing   our clients or interacting with service providers.

• our agents and contractors where there is a legitimate reason for their receiving the information, including:

▪ third party consultants and experts providing services to us or directly engaged by you;

▪ law firms and other service providers who are advising you;

▪ providers of outsourced services to us (for example, IT vendors and cloud storage providers);

▪ auditors.

Any such agents or contractors will abide by appropriate information processing agreements and be bound to only process personal information on our behalf and under our instructions, unless such agents or contractors act as independent processors (e.g., in the case we seek advice from lawyers and tax consultants and request the services of auditors).

• with a third party in a business transaction, in the event that all or part of our group is sold, merged, dissolved, acquired, or involved in a similar transaction which involves the transfer of client files.

• third parties as required by law or subpoena or if we reasonably believe that such action is necessary to (a) comply with the law and the reasonable requests of authorities;  (b) to enforce our legal claims or to protect the security and/or integrity of our services; and/or (c) to exercise or protect our rights and property or the rights, property and personal safety of our employees, visitors or others.

• To any other third party to the extent you consent thereto.

• To any other third party to the extent required by law, regulation or the mandatory requirement of government agencies.

(3) Transfer

We will only transfer your personal information under the following circumstances:

• With your explicit consent; or

• When the transfer of personal information is due to reasons such as merger, division, acquisition or bankruptcy liquidation, we will inform you of the name and contact information of the recipient, and the recipient will continue to be bound by this privacy policy, or will otherwise obtain your consent if there is a change in the purpose or method of processing.

(4) Public disclosure

We will only publicly disclose your personal information under the following circumstances:

• With your explicit consent; or

• If required by law, regulation or the mandatory requirement of government agencies.

5. How we protect your personal information

• We have employed appropriate security protection measures to protect your personal information and to prevent unauthorized access to, disclosure, use, modification, damage or loss of your personal information.

• We will take reasonable measures to ensure that unnecessary personal information will not be collected. We will only retain your personal information for the period necessary to accomplish the purposes stated in this privacy policy, unless the extended retention is required or allowed by law.

• We will update and publicize reports on security risks and personal information protection impact assessment as required by law.

• The network environment is not 100% secure, and we will do our best to ensure the security of any information that you send to us. In the case of a personal information security incident, we will comply with applicable laws and regulations, which may involve informing you of the basic conditions and possible impacts of the security incident, response measures that are already taken or to be taken by us, suggestions for you regarding self-prevention and risk mitigation, our remedial measures for you, etc. We will promptly inform you of the relevant situation of the incident via email, letter, phone, notifications, etc. If it is difficult to inform each individual information subject, we will take reasonable and effective measures to issue an announcement.

•  At the same time, we will also take the initiative to report the handling of personal information security incidents in accordance with regulatory requirements.

6.  Your rights

Under the relevant laws, regulations and standards in China, you have the following rights:

• to obtain access to, and copies of, the personal information that we hold about you;

• to require us to correct and complete the personal information we hold about you if it is incorrect or incomplete;

• to require us to erase your personal information under the following circumstances:

a) if our processing of your personal information violates applicable laws or regulations

b) if we collected and used your personal information in violation of this privacy policy without your consent

c) if your personal information is no longer necessary in relation to the purposes for which it was collected or processed.

• to change the scope of your consent;

• to require us to restrict our information processing activities;

• to transfer or have your personal information transferred easily from us to another organization (right to information portability);

• to object to any processing based on our legitimate interests where there are grounds relating to your particular situation. You can object to marketing activities for any reason whatsoever. If you want to object to receiving marketing emails, you can use the unsubscribe link contained in each such email to unsubscribe from receiving further marketing emails; where our processing is based on your consent, you may withdraw that consent, without affecting the lawfulness of our processing based on consent before its withdrawal. If you wish to withdraw it, please contact us using the contact details set out below. Please also note that where our processing of your personal information relies on your consent and you withdraw that consent, we may not be able to provide all or some aspects of our services to you and/or it may affect the provision of those services;

• to receive from us the personal information we hold about you which you have provided to us, in a reasonable format specified by you, including for the purpose  of you transmitting that personal information to another personal information processor;

• to object, on grounds relating to your particular situation, to any of our particular processing activities where you feel this has a disproportionate impact on your rights;

• to request us make explanation on personal information processing rules.

Please note that the above rights are not absolute, and we may be entitled to refuse requests where exceptions apply. 

If you wish to exercise one of these rights, please contact us using the contact details set out below.

7. How long your information is kept

Subject to our legal and regulatory obligations as well as any other policies that we may provide to you, we may retain your personal information for a reasonable period after your association with us has come to an end and/or if the purpose is fulfilled for which the information has been collected. However, some personal information may be retained for longer, for example where we need to retain it due to legal and regulatory obligations (e.g., to comply with tax and commercial law). In that case we will delete your personal information upon expiry of the applicable retention obligation.

If you receive promotional emails and unsubscribe from receiving those emails, we will delete the personal information associated with those emails. However, we will store your email address in a black list to ensure that you will not receive any further promotional emails.

8. How we process children’s personal information

Our websites and services are intended for adults.

Children’s personal information that is collected with their parents’ consent will only be processed as permitted by law, explicitly consented to by their parents or guardians, or is essential to protecting the children.

Although the definition of children varies in local laws and customs, we regard anyone below 14 years old as a child.

If we find that a child’s personal information has been collected without the child’s parents’ prior consent, we will delete relevant information as soon as possible.

9. How your personal information is transmitted worldwide

In principle, the personal information we collect and generate within the People's Republic of China will be stored within the People's Republic of China. However, as we provide products and services through resources worldwide, we may share and process necessary personal information with our group member companies or partners located overseas.

In the cases where a transfer of information to a location outside the China takes place, this could mean that the information is transferred to a country with a lower level of protection of your personal information. Thus, we will only transfer your personal information on one of the following bases to ensure that your personal information is sufficiently protected:

• where the transfer is subject to “appropriate safeguards” for international transfers prescribed by applicable law (for example, Standard Contract for Outbound Cross-Border Transfer of Personal Information and requirement of personal information protection impact assessment adopted by the Cyberspace Administration of China (as applicable)). or

• there exist another situation where the transfer is permitted under applicable law (for example, where we have your explicit consent or where the transfer is necessary for the performance of a contract concluded in your interest).

If you would like to obtain further information on the transfer of your personal information to countries located outside China which are not acknowledged by the Cyberspace Administration of China to provide for an adequate level of protection, please contact us using the contact details set out in the section “Contact us”.

10. Privacy policy updates

We may make changes to our privacy policy from time to time. Please review our policies regularly, as updated policies will apply to your future interactions with us.

11. Contact us

If you have any queries about this privacy policy or how we process your personal information, or if you wish to exercise any of your rights under applicable law, you may contact:

• by email: info@qd-china.com

• by telephone:  010-85120280;

• or by post: Room 501, Building 22, No. 10 Jiuxianqiao Road, Chaoyang District, Beijing


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