视频回放|《创新 | 原位AFM & SEM联用系统在表征导电和磁性纳米结构中的新应用》
2020年05月28日 14:00-15:00
Characterization of conductive and magnetic nanostructures by Correlative In-Situ AFM & SEM
创新 | 原位AFM & SEM联用系统在表征导电和磁性纳米结构中的新应用
The combination of different analytical methods into one instrument is of great importance for the simultaneous acquisition of complementary information. Especially highly localized probing of mechanical, electrical, magnetic, chemical and crystallographic properties on the nanoscale represents a key success factor for gaining new insights in the micro and nano world.In this webinar, we present a unique AFM – the AFSEM – designed for seamless integration into scanning electron microscopes (SEM) or dual beam systems. It allows direct in-situ combination of these complementary techniques due to the simultaneous operation of SEM and AFM inside the vacuum chamber. Therefore, SEM imaging, chemical or crystallographic information by EDX and EBSD, real 3D topography, phase information, mechanical, electrical, magnetic and thermal properties by AFM can be combined in an easy and interactive way. Furthermore, due to the open design it can be combined with additional add-ons, e.g., tensile stages, nano-indentors or nano-manipulators. As examples for the broad variety of applications in material characterization, we will demonstrate in-situ electrical and magnetic characterization of nanostructures by combining SEM and AFM measurements.
在这次网络研讨会上,来自GETec Microscopy公司的Chris Schwalb博士,将向大家展示一种独特的多功能AFM技术——AFSEM,它是一种与扫描电子显微镜(SEM)或双束系统进行集成并联用的AFM表征方案。其独特的设计理念以及工作原理,使得AFSEM可以轻松的集成到SEM腔体中,并与SEM同时进行观测,实现诸多互补表征技术的联用。它的使用并不会妨碍SEM中EBSD、EDX等表征手段的正常进行。科学家在进行交互操作的同时,便捷地对目标样品进行成像,探测其化学或晶体学信息,并对样品的三维形貌、物相信息、力学、电学、磁学和热学等性质进行测量。此外,用户友好的设计理念使得AFSEM可以与其他SEM或双束系统的常用插件和配件联用,如拉伸台、纳米压痕仪或纳米操纵器等。
作为材料表征中的经典案例,在此次报告Chris H. Schwalb博士结合多个动态视频以及来自实验室和高校的研究结果,将向大家展示SEM与原位AFSEM联用的技术优势和特点,并介绍其在纳米结构电学与磁学表征中的新前沿应用。